Comparisons between the model and field data demonstrate good agreement. This paper presents a dynamic surge/swab model that extends existing technology with the following features: (1) pipe and annulus pressures are coupled through the pipe elasticity (2) longitudinal pipe elasticity and fluid viscous forces determine pipe displacement (3) fluid properties vary as a function of temperature and pressure and (4) formation elasticity pipe elasticity, and cement elasticity are all used to determine the composite elastic response of the wellbore. For these wells, the drilling engineer needs the best possible method of calculating surge pressures to drill wells with a minimum of trouble. The prediction of pressure surges is of economic importance in wells where the pressure must be examined within narrow limits to prevent lost circulation and formation-fluid influx. Abstract: It is generally accepted that the pulling and running of pipe causes pressure surges. Azar - Read Online by creating an account Read Drilling Engineering -> J.J. Please, see if you are eligible to Read or DOWNLOAD Read Drilling Engineering -> J.J. Choose from our vast selection of EBOOK and PDF 3. Azar Pdf online - J.J.Īzar - Read Online: 1. Azar Pdf online - J.J.Īzar - PDF Go to: .id/?book= Simple Step to Read and Download Read Drilling Engineering -> J.J. Choose from our vast selection of EBOOK and PDF 3.Ĭoauthored by a leading drilling engineering professor/researcher and a well-experienced drilling research advisor, Drilling Engineering explains the fundamentals and field practices in drilling operations. Azar - PDF Go to: .id/?book= Simple Step to Read and Download Read Drilling Engineering -> J.J.Īzar Pdf online - J.J.